Instructions for players 8 years and older
This straight-forward activity has no detailed instructions except to navigate to each converstion page.
There are five situational conversations, each having eight sentences. Tap all 8 buttons to hear the full conversation.
Listen carefully to the spoken sentences and the individual words in each sentence.
1. When the main page opens, tap on any of the 5 circled buttons to interact with its situational conversation.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
2. First, tap the top-most button on the left and work your way down, to follow the theme of the conversation.
- A picture will appear in the adjacent box representing the situation described by the sentence articluated.
- Listen to the spoken sentences related to the pictures presented.
3. To hear the pronunciation of each word in any sentence, tap on the desired word and listen keenly.
4. Listen to any conversation by tapping its black button below the picture box on the right, to open the page.
Welcome page links at the top of the page
- Tap the link [Go Games] to return to the main page to select another game or activity.
- Tap the link [Instructions] to review the instructions for the activity, at any time.
Welcome page conversation buttons
- Tap the button [The Neighbourly Policeman] to listen to a conversation with the neighborhood policeman.
- Tap the button [Appletree Elementary School] to listen to a conversation about an elementary school.
- Tap the button [The Friendly Fireman] to listen to a conversation with the neighborhood fireman.
- Tap the button [The Travelling Tourist] to listen to a conversation with an interesting traveler.
- Tap the button [Sunny Shores Beach] to listen to a conversation about Sunny Shores Beach.
Conversation pages game buttons
Four (4) of the 5 black buttons appear below the large picture box on each conversation page.
- Touch the button [The Policeman] to listen to a conversation with the neighborhood policeman.
- Touch the button [The Classroom] to listen to a conversation about an elementary school.
- Touch the button [The Fireman] to listen to a conversation with the community fireman..
- Touch the button [The Tourist] to listen to a conversation with an interesting traveler.
- Touch the button [The Beach] to listen to a conversation about Sunny Shores Beach.