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Instructions for playing Trivia Thriller.
You must answer correctly to build your points.

OBJECTIVE: Uncover the exact trivia phrase described by the clue provided, in less than 120 seconds. You accumulate points as you select and accept the correct consonants and vowels, to form the trivia phrase.

1. When the page opens, follow all on-screen prompts to fully enjoy the game.
  - The grid at the top level will display only the correct letters for the trivia phrase.

2. Tap the [PLAY GAME] button to start the game. The game is in progress.
  - A random clue will appear above the trivia grid. This clue describes the trivia phrase.
  - The game timer is immediately activated to run for 120 seconds.

3. Read the trivia clue presented and select the letters needed to complete the phrase.
  - You must enter the exact trivia phrase, in the words expected by the program.

4. Tap the green [Get Consonant] button for a random consonant and its letter value.
  - or, Tap or Tap the blue [Get Vowel] button for a random vowel and its letter value.

5. Tap the green [Accept Letter] button to accept the consonant and its value.
  - or, Tap the blue [Accept Vowel] button to accept the vowel and its value.

NOTE: - If the letter or vowel accepted is included in the trivia phrase, it will appear in the grid.
  - There may be one or more occurrences of the random letter in the trivia phrase.
  - The total value(s) of the letter accepted will be added to your overall points.
  - If the letter is NOT correct, your points will be reduced by the value of one letter.

1. Look for any opportunity to answer the trivia phrase during the 2 minutes window.
    A bell will sound to alert you when there is only 15 seconds remaining.
   However, you may choose to wrap up the game any time during the session.
   If you complete the grid before the bell, enter the phrase in the black box, and tap SUBMIT.

2. To enter the trivia phrase in the black answer box, tap the [WRAP IT UP] button.
  - The Timer will pause and the cursor will blink in the answer box next to the button.

3. Enter the complete trivia phrase with the correct words in the black answer box.
  - Look at the letters and/or words already in the grid to determine the trivia phrase.

4. Tap the [SUBMIT] button to verify the phrase you entered into the answer box.
  - If you enter the correct trivia phrase, 5000 points is added to your score.
  - If you enter an incorrect trivia phrase, you lose your entire score.

The game ends after any of the following events:
  - The timer elapsed 120 seconds before you can determine the trivia phrase.
  - You tapped WRAP IT UP, entered, and submitted the correct trivia phrase.
  - You tapped WRAP IT UP, entered, and submitted an incorrect trivia phrase.

The highest points attained in any game will be displayed at the top of the grid. Your challenge is to beat this score in future games.

- Tap the [PLAY GAME] button to start a new game with a random trivia clue.
- Tap [Get Consonant] to get a random consonant and its game value.
- Tap [Get Vowel] to get a random vowel and its game value.
- Tap the green [Accept Letter] button to accept the consonant and its value.
- Tap the blue [Accept Vowel] button to accept the vowel and its value.
- Tap [WRAP IT UP] to enter the trivia phrase in the black answer box.
- Tap [SUBMIT] to submit the trivia phrase you entered in the answer box.